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Space is Substance, an interview with painter Boo Saville

20 Apr 2022

Written By Doris

Your upcoming show at TJ Boulting is titled Ma can you tell me more about Ma?


I stumbled across the term on one of my research days, I am very interested in the Japanese movement Mono Ha (School of Things) and the history of ink work. Ma refers to a silence, its meaning relates to what we may see as negative space, silence as a compositional element. I’ve always been fascinated by the charged nature of this space, the space between words or the space between beats in music. It being full of possibility, or something not yet come into being but equally as important as the parts which are being described. It’s a metaphorical function I guess and one which I familiarise.

Its second meaning, much more connected to me personally is that of Ma being ‘mother’. I have a strange and melancholic relationship to the role of mother In my life, losing my own mother in my thirties but also after years of fertility treatment not being able to fulfil my own role as a mother to a child. This left me feeling rather rootless, grieving and existing in a nether world not bracketed by this feminine lineage. In the hours after I lost my mum, an emotional severing of some invisible cord that connected me to her hit me. I have been feeling that rip again, slowly as I start to understand my childlessness. A situation I can only describe as being like a house with no roof and no floor.

However, to be more reflective and positive for a moment, I started to ask myself various questions: What are the possibilities that could happen in this space? Why do I as a women feel a need to be defined by these roles? Is gender important or relevant in the

idea of mothering? As a childless woman, what possibilities could be there that I would not otherwise be presented with? How can I use my work to heal these wounds? So essentially these ideas, although originating from a place of grief have been transformative and give to the world, their birth comes with huge optimism for what lies ahead.

It could be compared to society’s silence in relation to a woman’s childlessness too - what to say how to react. How the subject is awkwardly avoided, as there’s a lot of silent pain there that’s not discussed similar to how people used to talk / not talk about cancer in the past, we all need to learn how to navigate this sensitive but not uncommon ground, to learn the language.

There is silent pain, but there is also a huge freedom in not having that choice. There is grief, but grief is a very transformative process in my experience. The image of the pregnant female body is iconic in culture. The Madonna, Venus, Demi Moore, Beyoncé. Something if you haven’t crossed that rite of passage, the older childless woman in society feels like a pretty invisible one. Social validation to a certain extent comes with becoming a mother.

Your work is tackling big issues, where some artists maybe more explicit and literal in their approach to such autobiographical experiences yours is quietly understated, how do you go about planning a show like this - what’s your process ?

I like to approach my work very practically especially when I’m handling large emotional experiences I’ve had. It’s just the way I work and it helps me figure those things out. All artists I’ve met research obsessively. I love studying and dissecting something, or coming at something from left field. I’m a big believer in listening to your instinct, so I tend to just follow that and eventually it all makes sense. Making art is so exciting but also frustrating because starting any work is like a puzzle that you don’t know what the rules are until you make them. Then the rules change again or you decide to break them. I’m not so sure that I’m being that understated, I mean how understated is a 2 metre pink painting? But I see your poInt. I think there is real power in being understated, or in leaving things out. Space is substance, I’m just using it in my work to model my experience. Planning a show is a long process of failure and small successes, you often make one thing and then use that to bounce on to the next thing. This show started with the large colour work then I decided to make drawings.

'Space is substance', that’s a great way to put it, and I think it beautifully sums up both the figurative and abstract aspects of your work, although I think there’s an argument that all your work is figurative. In understated I mean more Agnes Martin than say Louise Bourgeois. The large abstract works bring to mind the Kantian notion of the sublime, it’s impossible not to ‘feel’ something of the limitlessness when standing in front of these vast swathes of colour - they ‘arouse enjoyment but with horror’ of the abyss perhaps.

Can you explain how you go about making these works, as they appear so effortless but I imagine the reality is somewhat to the contrary.

Well to say they are effortless is a huge compliment, thank you. I’m also a huge fan of Agnes Martin. My process is different with each one but I usually start by deciding what I need to get out of them or how I feel on the day. I usually start with an intention, a feeling that I’d like to communicate with the group or a particular one. This often changes as I progress through the layers. I often think about how feelings are so subtle, moving like a little river through your brain, the occasional ripple or wave. Each layer helps me decide where the changes are going to happen, how many shifts in colour, what are their relationships until it makes sense. It’s a very slow process as you can imagine, mainly waiting and looking until something happens in my brain. I try to work and not think too much about it, just do what I intended then clean up and go home. I decided with these ones not to paint when I was in a bad mood or feeling anxious or

tired. But yes you’re right that abyss can be rather terrifying. But within that abyss I see endless possibility and mystery.

These paintings were made and developed through connection. Connection with myself, my past and my future but also connection with women in particular. They are about friendship. They are titled after the girl children I may have had but also after important women in my life. I hope that people feel happy when they see them, the way I do every day at the studio.

And the figurative pieces for this show appear to have a different approach in technique, medium and intention …

I knew quite early on that I wanted to show the abstract works alone for the first time without the black and white works. In the gallery (T J Boulting) there’s this great little second room that I wanted to do something In. The drawings started with the egg, I’ve been doing nests for the past few years and the egg felt like a nice progression from  that.

They are these little ideas about fertility, using traditional symbols around that idea that I find using a search engine. The copyright free image web site I use is so great, it’s a dictionary of images probably used for advertising. It’s completely cold just pure reference without any attachments. I use it so I can start at zero, this is important because it’s pure at this point. I used to do the same with reference books, work my way through copying images. I often feel like a scientist, the image being the petri dish and the rendering is when I start growing some culture inside. The root pulled out the ground felt like an iceberg, all that stuff going on below but exposed. Like feelings I guess, the above and below of it all. Working with the inks is really challenging as I’ve never worked like that before but rather than drawing they are made with a tiny brush. I like to really study something and I also like to give myself a new challenge. The negative space of the paper surrounding the drawing is as much part of the drawing as the object depicted.

They remind me of botanical drawings, but instead of endeavouring to faithfully depict and represent the form, colour, character and detail of a plant, it seems you endeavour to faithfully depict and represent the form, colour, character of emotion but viewed from

afar, saying, ‘look I feel or I have felt like this’, then stepping back and observing them botanically, a documentation of feelings, drawn and stored. Does that sound like a fair analysis ?

Botanical drawings are so beautiful aren’t they. However, rather than working from life I like working from stock images, they have a coldness as a starting point then it’s interesting to me how I then interpret that. It’s also interesting to take things from the online space and give them life. They are so metaphorical to me the hardest part is probably deciding which things to choose but there are so many images you really must ask yourself what the crux is of what you’re saying in using an image.

The drawings are like words in a poem, a single word that’s a road map. One image of an egg that’s been studied, the egg is me, turned over and looked at, I feel disappointed and elated at its progress. The journey of self-reflection is very much like this. I enjoy representational work, it’s formality is a refuge. As a child I always copied pictures, always analytical. Working out new ways to make something is like a puzzle, frustrating and challenging, it’s a relationship bigger than myself.

So, it's the opposite of observational drawing, you work your way back, to the self, and the initial selection from the google search abyss is less contaminated with excess emotion which produces clinical viewing, a subconscious theatre of thought perhaps?

That’s a great way of putting it!

You’re an incredibly adept artist, being able to turn your hand technically to anything it seems, you even made phenomenal paintings in bleach at one time! For the past decade you have honed your studio practice, you’re very focused and work incredibly hard, what advice would you give artists who are struggling to find their ‘voice’?

I think I’m just impatient and very obsessed with detail, also stubborn and won’t give up until it’s how I want it. I never intend to turn my hand to anything; I just get bored very easily. I’m very tactile and my ideas often progress through material. My only piece of advice is to do what you love, what feels natural to you and don’t worry about being like anyone else. If you work hard enough your audience will find you.


Ma by Boo Saville is at T J Boulting, 59 Riding House St, London W1W 7EG, 6 May -

11 June 2022

Seeing in Colour

Freire Barnes

5th June 2018

The human eye can distinguish around 10 million different colours of the apparent 16 million in existence. Our understanding of colour is determined not just by the refraction of light on a surface but by a cacophony of other factors: natural perception, memory, language and cultural associations all influence our visual acuity and comprehension of different shades and tones. Over the centuries, colours have taken on a host of symbolic meanings, which have shifted and altered diametrically according to time and place. Colour has entered our vernacular in the guise of descriptors for human behaviour and emotion, from ‘tickled pink’ and ‘seeing red’ to ‘green with envy’. It has likewise acted as a means by which to convey a sentiment; in Victorian England, a yellow flower was a symbol of love, but in France a flower of the same shade represents jealousy. Historically, the symbolic value of certain shades was often directly linked to the pigment’s monetary worth. For many classical civilisations, from the Phoenicians to the Romans, the expensive, reddish-violet of Tyrian purple – made from sea snails – signified great status.  For the painters of Renaissance Europe, however, it was the ultramarine pigment made from precious lapis lazuli that was chosen to accent the garments of the Virgin Mary. Describing the inadequacy of the diagrams in his Theory of Colours, Goethe noted that: ‘a physical phenomenon exhibiting its effects on all sides is not to be arrested in lines nor denoted by a section’.1 Colour inhabits every form, structure and surface we encounter, and while its symbolism remains inseparable from the rigmarole of daily life, our over-stimulated eyes can struggle to isolate or arrest its effects.

The skies over Thanet are the loveliest in all Europe.

–JMW Turner in discussion with John Ruskin

Approaching one of Boo Saville’s colour field paintings is much like taking in the Margate sunsets of Kent, which inspired over 100 of Turner’s seascapes. Rich pinks merge into swimming pool verdigris, mint greens slide into apricot orange and pillar box reds fade into greying purples. Intoxicating, all-consuming and borderless – aside from at the very edges of the canvas – they immerse the viewer in a sea of radiant colour.

After her mother’s death in 2014, Saville began to see the world afresh. Where a melancholic darkness dominated her monochrome figurative paintings, Saville started to inject her practice with vibrancy, in the form of her new series of abstract canvases. Saville admitted that before this awakening: ‘I was always kind of skirting around the idea of beauty. Everything was darker.’ There is a clear lineage from Saville’s intense monochrome biro drawings to these pillowy amorphous masses of oil paint. Aspects of her earlier obsessions – the notion of limbo space, of a portal into the unknown – carry through into her colour field paintings. Instead of staring into the black abyss, however, she presents exalting rays of fluid hues that beckon the viewer towards a momentary loss of gravity. The once laborious layering of pen marks to create profound depth on a paper surface is replaced with the seemingly effortless accumulation of colour. For Saville, the layering of saturated pigment is an intuitive act imbued with emotion and existentialism. These rich harmonies of endless combinations explore notions of being and mortality in its abstract sense.


As Saville traverses this philosophical terrain, she calls upon ancient mythology to give context to her questioning, titling her works after gods and goddesses, and the stars, planets or constellations identified by their characters. A haze of variegated hues of yellows and greens is Jupiter (2014), after the Roman god of the sky and thunder. A myriad of stormy blues is called Mercury (2014), the god of poetry, who was charged with guiding souls to the underworld. And a dusky, almost thunderous pink canvas is named Pan (2014), after the Greek god of the wild (who also hugely influenced the Romantic movement), a being that inhabited a world part human, part animal. In the latest iterations of the series, we encounter Cassiopeia (The Queen) and Orion (The Hunter) (both 2018) – respectively a blush of powder pink and blue, and bottomless navy – the titles of which expand to encompass entire star constellations. The duality of Saville’s practice relieves the pressure of attempting to encapsulate all that she wants to communicate in just one form. The complex colour abstractions are counterbalanced by detailed, hyperreal, figurative monochrome drawings and paintings of an often macabre nature, which enable Saville to delve into her fascination of symbolism, superstition and the folkloric. No longer is there an unbridgeable tension between abstraction and the representational. Instead, the two distinctively different styles and approaches exist side by side in an ongoing dialogue, one feeding off the other. The id and the ego. The instinctive and the conscious. Meta narratives of the celestial body gently colliding with the fragility of flesh in the physical realm. In the past, skulls have been a recurrent theme in Saville’s black and white paintings. Polycephaly (2014), the title of which derives from the Greek for ‘many heads’, is not only an exquisitely rendered painting of a double-headed animal skull but also illustrates the dualism in Saville’s thought process. Often smaller in scale than the colour field works, the monochrome paintings have a meticulous intensity that derives simultaneously from the replication of images from books and the Internet, and the washes of subdued, sepia-tinged hues. They emit an inkiness, a ghostly, ethereal glow. The undercoat, almost like a primer wash, allows a translucent layering of colour. 


Saville’s latest figurative works are much larger, greyscale paintings of disparate subjects. Giant hands pinch the neck of a clay vase on a moving potter’s wheel in Pot (2018). A slightly out of focus woman’s face is caught in mid weep, eyes closed, nose scrunched and mouth open in anguish in Cry (2018). A portly middle-aged man on a sofa caresses his erection in Man Admiring Penis (2018). And a delicate, synthetic flower rests on a surface in Paper Flower (2018). These images present as suspensions of time, split seconds of action during which Saville has pressed pause. A flicker of a second later and the scenes might be changed or lost, imbued with different associative references or emotions. This fascination with the transience of existence invites a consciousness of the moment, and how little attention it is given – how decisions, movements, and interactions are fleeting. Saville regards herself as a ‘conduit’ in the creation process, merely bringing together these various components and visual triggers. And although the evidence of her hand is reduced to an absolute minimum, she feels metaphysically present in the minutiae of every hidden brushstroke or captured scene.

Why do two colours, put next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No.


– Pablo Picasso


© Boo Saville 2025
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